

日期:2024-03-09 06:05:09    标签:  

1. 举牌祝生日个性句子

Happy birthday. Stop counting your candles

and start counting your blessings. You still have hair on your head,

not in your ears and nose!

They say that with age comes wisdom. I'm

not so sure…I've met a lot of really stupid old people. So far, you're

not one of them. Happy birthday.

Can you blow out all these candles or should I call the fire department? Happy birthday!

2. 举牌祝生日个性句子

Happy birthday. Stop counting your candles and start counting your blessings. You still have hair on your head, not in your ears and nose! They say that with age comes wisdom. I'm not so sure…I've met a lot of really stupid old people. So far, you're not one of them. Happy birthday.Can you blow out all these candles or should I call the fire department? Happy birthday!。

3. 举牌语言

定义一个全局变量的数组:dim a(10) as integer随机产生10个两位的素数,素数各不相同:Dim a(10), x As Integer Dim str As String = "" Dim di As Boolean = True Dim n As Integer Dim sd As For i = 1 To 10 Do Do Randomize() n = Int(Rnd() * 100 + 10) Loop Until IsSushu(n) If i > 1 Then For x = 1 To i - 1 If a(x) = n Then di = False End If Next End If Loop Until di = True a(i) = n 'str = str & a(i) & " " Next。


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